I only played Witcher 3 on PS4, and I have to put it as my top rpg, close to skyrim in the fantasy genre. It's super immersive, and the gwent game is something I warmed up to as my deck got stronger. The story is wonderful. Now the adaptation on Netflix.... I love it! It's amazing what they can do nowadays with technology. I have enjoyed Henry Cavill since The Count of Monte Cristo. His passion for getting this character Geralt right really shows. I was ok with the choices for Yen, Ciri, and some of the mages... And then I loved the choices for them all. They play the part wonderfully! Dandelion is a genius. I will watch it through again, and now have The Witcher and Witcher 2 games in my shopping cart. Showrunners said the show would be based on the books, but I think it's a great combination of both. The critics should find another profession.