on a personal note, i love the premise of the story. however some episodes did indeed feel a bit rushed, maybe if the episodes were a little shorter and if there were more episodes to the first season and any that may subsequently be brought forth by netflix that rushed feeling wouldnt be there, though i understand that with only that set in story time it was necessary to have that rush.
the characters in themselves i consider to be amazing. especially Klaus, Five and Vanya. specifically Klaus as he strikes me as a mixture of my older brother and my self. but thats just personal ties to a character who i appear to have become personally vested in.
the story itself could be considered both a modern masterpiece or a modern flop. but i just cant seem to get enough of it and just want more. if you enjoy stories that can suck you in and spit you out than this show is the perfect ride, as its not so much why the story gets you there but rather how, wether you enjoy it or not it is still something that could necessitate a watch or seven (pun intended) thank you for taking the time to read my review and hopefully it can help you come to an informed decision.
to leave this review on a questioning statement, "to watch, or not to watch. that is the true mystery of the umbrella academy"