It was a mediocre film, it didn't do the story justice and glossed over a lot of it they are making a second movie which is a mistake, a T.V./streaming series would have been much better at telling the story, and would likely be more popular, I have said since GoT that a Warcraft version of the way they told that story (in 8 episode stories that doesn't have filler in it) would be immensely popular and could rival GoT in ratings as it is an astounding fantasy world story with the story written along with dialogue written, it may need some polish but it is all there. WoW had 12 million players in Wrath of the Lich King expansion this show would reach that same audience plus those who don't play video games, and it'd bring people to WoW which is even more money for Blizzard... It's simply an investment, that could bring large numbers of new players and players that have since quit the game back to it.