Very inacurate to the books and horrible pacing overall
For those who have read the books here are the main issues I found with the movie;
1) condenses the first half of "the knife of never letting go" and smushes it into the last part of "monsters of men"
2) animals don't have noise and spackle, and the noise as a disease, are not explored
3) Mayor Prentiss dies very stupidly and does not have the same feeling of "oh damn he's insane" he did in the books (and by extent his son also has little presence)
4) the rite of passage the boys go through to become men (killing older member) is completely removed/unexplored
5) Preacher Aaron's death is altered
6) the end destroys the suspense that the final book had
Plenty more to complain about but overall a disservice to Patrick Ness and his novels