As an older parent now,of children that I fostered and adopted during our 15 years of fostering, I was completely disgusted and insulted by the profanity and negative stereotyping of foster parents and foster children in this piece of trash movie. We turned it off at the point when the extended family was sharing their concerns about their children being safe around the messed up foster children when the couple brought them to future gatherings. They actually had the nerve to joke about the foster children being previous victims of " sexual harassment" as if that is ever ok to joke about. They also act like alcohol and drug exposed children are guaranteed "defective". Mark Wahlberg is Catholic and I would love to know what moral compass he used when choosing to do this movie. Obviously the almighty dollar guided him. If you want to bash the evils of society don't go after the small percentage of good people that actually put their own lives and families through the difficulties of fostering for a greater good. They even bash older parents by having a scene where an older father has a heart attack while playing football with his kid. My husband is 62 and plays sports, swims, plays in the snow and sled rides with our 3 adopted children. We homeschool them and they get the best we can give them which is lots of our time, interest, and attention. Again, God will have to forgive the makers and participants of this filth,and as a Catholic myself, so will I.