My sister is watching this show for the first time. From time to time I’ll watch a few episodes with her. It’s so much tougher watching it the second time. The first time I got to see Walter gradually break bad. I always had hope that he would stop breaking bad, which sounds so naive now. The show isn’t called “stop breaking bad”. The second time watching it, there is no hope left, Walter is going to keep breaking bad and there was nothing I could do about it. If only they made a sequel show called “breaking good”. It starts off with Walter being the baddest he was in breaking bad and every episode he starts to get a little less bad, until he has completely broken good. Like episode one of breaking good, he kills a bunch of people. Episode two, he doesn’t kill that much people. Episode three, he thinks about not killing anymore. Episode four, he literally doesn’t kill any people. Episode five, he’s just a meth maker that doesn’t kill people. Episode six, he stops making meth. Episode seven, he gets a normal job, but not as a chemistry teacher because it’s too triggering. Episode eight, he starts going to therapy. Episode nine, he starts working for charities. Episode ten, he creates his own charity called Help Stop Meth Making Chemistry Teachers (HSMMCT). That’s all of season one right there. The last season he would be in the Peace Corps or something. That show would leave people uplifted and inspired. Like it doesn’t matter how bad you get, you can always start breaking good. Broken bones heal, a broken mind can too.