I rarely watch TV, much less anything that's more than 2 hrs long, but happened to click on this while I was on the treadmill because it was trending at the top and got hooked immediately. Not a very smart idea as I spent the next few days neglecting my hubby/teens and glued to my phone, LOL, and now I'm completely heartbroken as I wait impatiently for the rest to air. WTHeck? I thought Netflix loads the entire series at once, no? Shows how much I've been on Netflix these days. Admittedly, I had no idea who the leading male actor was, as I don't watch much foreign dramas, or any series for that matter. Currently, obsessed with him ATM. :D :P I did recognize the female lead from a movie many years ago. Anyway, EXCELLENT Kdrama. Very heartwarming and funny as hell. **FIVE STARS***