-I love how they make a backstory off Zordon being the former red ranger and Rita being the former green ranger, it would have set up the Jason vs Tommy fight in the sequel plus it made sense this time since it was never explained how Rita got hold of the green power coin or the Dragon Zord in the original series.
-Plus I love how they establish the Zeo crystal, foreshadowing the Zeo rangers somewhere down the line.
-My favourite part of the movie was the chemistry between Jason and Kimberly, I very much ship these two in the original series, I know Tommy x Kimberly was a thing before but that ship sink at Zeo plus I have always ship every red ranger with their female teammate. Considering Tommy is going to end up with Kat and there have been deleted scene in the Turbo movie of Jason and Kimberly relationship might as well have the Jason x Kimberly ship set sail.
-I like how they make a modern interpretation of the rangers. As they are actually teenagers with attitude this time opposed to their original counterparts. Also adding the Darker and serious element is a really fresh take on the rangers much like how in space, lost galaxy and time force seasons did.
-Also I have no qualms with the suits or Zord designs. Although aside from the red ranger, they could at least add features to the individual ranger’s helmet to differentiate their design since they almost look the same.
-There’s Not enough action, the real battle starts only in the third act. Spending too much time on character development. Don’t get the me wrong, I know character development is important to establish them but they did too much and too long that they take almost an hour of the movie. They should’ve of had their first morph after training, they could just have the rangers able to morph but they are still limited without the use of their power weapons and blade blasters, except Jason since he is the first to trust Zordon. We would have our first suit battle as the rangers trying to stop Goldar & putties from stealing gold.
-Speaking of Goldar, he should have been the henchman and right hand man of Rita, the monster of the week spot (the monster that Rita tries to revive) should have been filled by king sphinx.
- The team was also more than willing to kill Rita. This is a direct violation of one of Zordon’s three rules “Do not escalate a battle unless forced to do so”. They Should have Rita kidnapping Trini forcing the rangers to give up the location of the Zeo crystal only for the rangers to outsmart Rita, hence we got the second suit battle but with the rangers loosing and billy killed after he give up the location.
-The climax was brilliant but at the very least they should have all the rangers access their weapons at this point and used to form the power blaster on the putties before they head off the angel groove with their Zords.