Ok, before saying anything about the movie, you should know that I'm a huge huge huge fan of the hp franchise and it's extended version..fantastic beasts.
Also this is a SPOILER FREE review...I'm going to be completely unbiased when it comes to this review. The first fantastic beasts movie was good..can't be watched many times And the plot is kinda simple.
Now, when it comes to the 2nd fb part, keeping everything else aside for a moment, this is AN AMAZING MOVIE. And you should watch it if you want to get blown off by the fantastic (one of them..Not so happy.) revelations that are made in the movie.
Yes, there are few errors when it comes to the involvement of certain characters in fb2. But jkr knows about this, she'll explain that part sometime later. So, It's just childish to think that the movie is bad because of these small mistakes. And the behaviour of the characters seems a little odd. But when we step into their shoes and just think about it...we'll end up thinking that their actions are not so abrupt after all.
The movir requires the complete unbiased attention of its audience.
It is going to run fast. So be alert. But including soo many characters Is not a bad thing. THAT IS HOW THINGS WORK IN REAL LIFE. When a war is approaching..there are going to be many things that lead up to it. And this movie is like a bridge to griendelwald's idea and it becoming true. Things won't be the same again...the wizarding world has a greater threat to think about. The movie does have many characters but what do you think happens when a war is approching? Things happen and to stop something wrong from happening, help comes from all corners
Forget about the odd feeling you might get about few things while watching the movie and go with the movie
Fb 2 is far more amazing than the 1st part. A LOT. So do watch the movie.