The depth of the story and the rawness of Joaquin’s portrayal was to explore the inner mind of a Super Villian, a character study. What inevitably causes one to become so deluded and detached from society...well society itself in all its cruel truisms. If this film is a dance with on the edge of your seat entertainment and making one feel damn uncomfortable then the message has been portrayed and delivered as promised because it was an Origin story based on the Psychological ruination of a man named Arthur Fleck and what drove him to become the Joker. What leads most people to their own dark demise is mental health and society’s reactions to it, people are cruel and pushing someone to the brink of madness and isolation will further embellish their need for retaliation. Heath Ledger’s version of the Joker was dark and psychologically disturbing we had never seen this villian played so dark yet his best work and as I’m sure will also be Joaquin’s as we are thrown into the darkness even further.
Personally, I can’t wait to be thrown into his world so I can began to empathise with a man so tortured by a cruel society which has never changed but perhaps viewers can take something else from this, show compassion rather then hatred to prevent the creations of Arthur Fleck in the real world! The message I’m sure is strong and confronting but without that element this film would not be cementing it’s purpose