This was a great book, it was filled with countless emotions and shows how kids are pure souls that do not care about race or other differences between them and others, and that whatever type of discrimination towards others are inherited from their parents. The ending was a little unexpected and sad but overall it was a great story. I love how Bruno was portrayed as an innocent kid that loves exploring who might've been naive but was curious to find out more. I reccomend this 100%.
To Joseph Trifiletti, I just want to say that nothing is wrong w "the boy in striped pyjamas". the author does not need to apologise or change the title to "the kid in striped pyjamas" because in the story, the author wanted the mc, Bruno to have met a boy. It is the author's choice to depict the gender of the kid Bruno met. And obviously since Shmuel was a boy in the story, the title had to be the boy in striped pj's because that's the main focus. And so what if its 2019? when there's gender equality? so what. just bc of gender equality it doesn't mean someone can't say that someone is a boy instead of a generic term. Ik I'm just naggy but yea I just had to say this.