It's interesting how this documentary describes stealing data to sway voters for the Trump campaign, yet they use one sided information to sway people that Democrat is the way to go. This would've been more convincing if the information provided was neutral; or gave detailed information on exactly HOW our personality is used to not only influence our vote but, to influence us on what products to buy, what places to go, what to eat, what to wear, and what is "best" for our health. It's sad how many people eat this one sided information up, and use it in conversation as facts. The fact that I'm even posting my opinion on Google (which is truly the number one data gatherer) will prompt exploration of my data and everyone else who has an opinion about it. Thus providing more data for the consensus. Bravo Netflix! Mission accomplished, you've just provided more data using the exact thing this documentary warns us against. You've just provided another platform to collected another consensus of whose right and whose left; by prompting others to state their opinion which Google makes us think is "valued" by providing an 89% Rotten Tomatoes rating to influence more people to watch it in order to collect more data for democracy when they voice their opinion about it. This is the true "wheel" that needs to be broken. Only these companies provide each other a leg up to make more money while collecting more data. It's a win win situation for the big guys, and we're all part of it. This was a great opportunity to provide quality information, that was completely a miss. So collect away guys, another one for your data banks. Hope it helps.