i had to literally stop watching the film because sorry it is totally unlike the book. i only read the book for the first time last night so figured i’d watch the movie straight after to give myself a better insight into it’s similarities and i was thoroughly disappointed.
the casting of lucy and josh was good but the acting wasn’t amazing and i’m annoyed at the fact that lucy’s narration wasn’t featured as much in the movie as it was in the book. what’s even more aggravating is that the movie is in a COMPLETELY different order than the book was (it’s totally different). they included bits and pieces from the book itself yet there was no buildup and the part that’s meant to be a breaking point for the two main characters was pushed aside entirely, lucy’s emotions felt so fake. if i hadn’t read the book first i may have enjoyed the movie more as it is my exact type of genre but unfortunately i read the book and disliked the movie. also it was josh that kissed lucy first in the elevator not the other way around and that made the book even more exciting and intense as it is totally unexpected on his end and lucy also freaks out WAY more in the book.