If you are a predator franchise fan, you know that predators get dropped off on earth to train to hunt. Please see AVP 1. That said, this predator was in his species' age and skill group for the young Comanche hunters he encountered. He knows how to use his weapons however, her brain coupled with her primitive weapons, beats the predators' brute strength and technology. but the story is about a young woman being ostracized due to being a female and perceived as the weaker sex, remember this was 300 years ago. She like so many young adults is trying to prove herself worthy while finding her way in her world when along comes something more threatening than a lion or bear. She used his weapons against him. She knew the woods and the nature around her, he did not. She learned along the way from her mistakes, she did not allow her mistakes to become her undoing, she instead used the bear trap, the cut leg, the human bait, the flower, and the quick sand-like puddle, at one point she pulled the predators' underbite canine mandible tooth and stabbed him with it. It was an excellent story of being the underdog, perseverance, and bravery.