The Desert Furs are a psychedelic rock band based in Boulder, Colorado centered around the music and songwriting of Billy Wassung. Originally a home studio project shared between two friends living in different states, the sound continued to grow and mature into an diverse collection of songs, coalescing into the debut album, Soluble, released in 2019.
Evoking a spacious sonic landscape, Soluble features seven songs traversing the musical realms of rock, psychedelia, indie-pop, and dance grooves. It is a downtempo excursion into modern psychedelic rock with eclectic changes in rhythm and dynamics, and lyrics rooted in experience and inspired by love, laughter, and the esoteric. The album features 3 longtime friends and musicians: Billy Wassung on guitar, vocals, and synth, Jon Studtmann on bass, and Matt Gader on drums. Mixed and Mastered by Alex Scott at Hyphonic Studios in Denver, CO the album cover features a mixed-medium painting by talented Kansas City-based visionary artist, Lex Newtho, another longtime friend.
As dawn rises for The Desert Furs and friends happily reunite, the stage is set for the sound to blossom, groove, and expand into space. Steeped in the likes of Pink Floyd, Jonathan Wilson, Cass McCombs, Israel Nash, and Jimi Hendrix, the band is stoked to hit the live scene and embark upon the next leg of the journey.