This brilliantly directed stunning cinematic thought provoking movie, with multi-talented cast has changed my view of homelessness for ever! This movie like no other goes straight to the heart of the story, right back to the start, to the ashes in order to unfold a tragic true tale of how a young boy called Frankie played by(Aka Hector Bateman-Harden & Marc Zammit) ended up on the streets! In fact about a week ago I emptied the entire contents of my purse and gave it to an old man outside Tesco which I don’t often do, especially when I see a group of young people on their mobile phones swapping places to take turns begging for money. Anyway it’s not about that. This true story which is told through the eyes of Frankie as we follow him escaping an abusive violent father only to end up in a darker world casts a real insight into his naivety, the people he befriends, both kind and dangerous, as he copes with a different life on the streets. Everyone he meets has their own story to tell, but it is Frankie’s unstoppable spirit of hope and kindness, despite the devastating things that are done to him, that make this movie so moving!