This show has been nothing but five loud mouth old women three competing against 2, think they know everything and cannot shut their mouth. I stopped watching a year and half ago. Tried to watch it when Meghan came on the show but Joy can’t stand her or the competition. Tried to watch it when Abby came on and she can’t get anything said. Whoopi acts like she’s a genius and knows EVERYTHING there is to know. Joy is an old bitter dried up comedian and why she’s kept on there is ridiculous. Sunny such a racist and two faced. There is so much hate from those women it’s ridiculous! Poor joy can’t run the show. Can’t tell just her opinion oh my the others can talks. She gets pissed. Why ?!! She wants to spill the hatred but no one else can say anything. Get the show off the air and put a morning show on that’s enjoyable and relaxing to work. I’m going to make a few calls and see if I can get something going to try and help get show cancel. I’d rather watch a game show vs a bunch of old has beens and racist screaming their hate at-two latest ones. I hear Meghan jumps on joy everyday. She is at least not filled with hate Go Meghan and Abby find somewhere your skills are put to greater use not on pissing match. I can’t believe Walters took the show she had and watched it get to where it is now.
ABC you need to do something. We all know everyone there is as bitter as joy and Whoopi but that won’t keep shows going. And joy wants Whoopi off so she can be the main moderator. Do something. Give us a decent show to watch. AND JOY STOP SPEWING THE HATRED! YOUR FACE IS ALL SCREWED UP KNOW YOUVE BEEN MEAN FOR SO LONG YOUR EVEYBROWS GO UP AND YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE THE DEVIL. DO YOU BELIEVE THATS WHAT PEOPLE WANT TO SEE EVERYDAY. BE A GOOD LOSER AND LEAVE THE HATE OUT OF YOUR CONVERSATION.