Drishyam was the best Thriller of 'how to get away with a murder' genre. It was also a family drama in a small Kerala village and of a ordinary man rising to the occasion.I think all movie lovers were amazed with this one of a kind movie ,mainly the twist and turns in second half leading to its extraordinary climax.
Years after watching this movie , I did started thinking about things like 'Can there be perfect Murder' or 'Perfect cover up' or what about 'Karma' . shouldn't George Kutty and his family face consequence of their actions at some level.
Spolier Alert - My Review will definitely spoil the fun if you haven't watched Drishyam 2.
Drishyam 2 which happens six years after the incidents in first movie, answers several questions I had and much more
Few of them are listed below
- Someone did see George Kutty coming out of Police Station ,ironically that is the very first scene in the movie, enough to ensure the shock element for a thriller and keep us completely glued
- The incident has impacted all the key players , George Kutty has turned into very calculating person , his wife, Rani has become grumpier or stressed out. She is too concerned about her daughters and on George Kutty who seems to have distanced a bit from her.
- The Police IG and her Husband are still trying indirectly to find the truth and get George Kutty and his family arrested.
- The Police itself feels the embarrassment of not able to get the culprits punished and are still openly or secretly pursuing the case.
- Even people in his village either dislike George Kutty or consider him as a hero but confident that he did murder the boy.
Well this is the premise to the story for Drsihyam 2 . A real enjoyable ride with excellent script , screenplay and some brilliant acting.
George Kutty wins again and police fails why because as he says in the movie (as part of a script discussion exercise) that it is a movie and you need to get the hero lucky and hence win , maybe a warning that 'don't try this in real life'.
After the incident he has been vigilant and have been employing methods to outsmart police. No one including his wife is aware of his real motives as she think he is wasting money on risky business investment .
Movie concludes with the the note that he will be doing this for his entire life and that is his punishment
Again it is not a perfect movie and while I watched this movie from an investigation perspective (unlike the first one), I did have several questions as police seems too callous or confident when they were closing in George Kutty.They could have been sharper but again the hero is George Kutty