I really wish people would stop posting reviews about a series when they've only watched the first 1 or 2 episodes, its like posting a review of a film you've only seen 15 minutes of and it's really not helpful so I'm posting this review after watching the WHOLE series.
If I'd only watched the first 2 episodes and then posted a review then I too would have given a much more positive review but, sadly, the show goes further and further downhill with each episode. I started watching knowing it had been cancelled and there wouldn't be a 2nd series and was initially disappointed because, yes, the first couple of episodes showed real promise and kept me gripped but, by episode 4, I was so grateful that the show won't be back.
The writing becomes formulaic and lazy AT BEST, with clichés a-plenty, characters taking centre stage for a while and then completely forgotten, never to be seen or mentioned again, a bog standard small town villian who's about as menacing and threatening as Elmo, despite being played by the wonderful Will Patton and main characters who would genuinely have been better if they'd literally phoned it in.
Its set in Louisianna (not that you'd know from any of the lifelong inhabitants accents, who sound like they could be from anywhere from New York to California) so there's the textbook old, all-knowing, blind creole witch/mystic/shamen (who inexplicably & dramatically whips off her dark glasses every time she speaks to someone, despite being BLIND) which is a trope so old she may as well carry an ornate walking stick carved like a snake (oh wait, she does!).
The plot tangents go nowhere and start to clog up the main narrative (whatever that is) like fat down a sink drain and feel like they've been shoe horned in because the writers simply can't focus on any kind of cohesive plot.
Let's just say I've put more thought and effort into this review than the writers put into the last 6 episodes of this bollocks.