Funny how many Jackson fans are saying Michael had his day in court and was found not guilty, so that is proof he didn't do it.
Well, OJ was also found not guilty, and we all know he did it.
Michael had so many people and millions upon millions invested in his brand. He was never going to be found guilty. Not at that point in his life and career.
For all you defenders, ask yourself would you let your child sleep in the same bed with Michael behind locked doors? I doubt it. We (including all you defenders) know he was a pervert with some serious mental issues. Having an unconventional childhood is not an excuse, it's just one of the reasons that led him to become a sexual predator.
One also has to ask why he turned to drugs and alchohol. Was it because he struggled so much later in life to avoid his perverted predilections? In those later years, he would have been caught. He was under constant suspicion and finally had his own children, having self-realization what he had done to other children.