I’m sorry but this is a huge crime this movie definitely deserves to have a 89% rating 46% is literally just a slap in the face. This movie is far from a 46% it’s a fantastic movie I don’t understand why critics are trolling this movie clearly it shows that they don’t have a heart and realize that marvel is trying out new things and that’s why I love this movie and marvel for doing that, yes this movie has a few flaws but other than that I extremely highly recommend this movie I’ve seen it twice in the same day. I’m a huge marvel fan and this movie has stunning special effects, it also introduces marvels first depth superhero and gay superhero. Critics really need to realize that it’s ok to take risks and realize that marvel is a better company than any other company out there once it comes to making fantastic movies. I really like the director who did this film and she was a good choice to direct this movie and that’s what makes this movie really good. Also this movie has heart, great action scenes, stunning effects and location designs. Plus it still has the marvel humor that we all love so once again I strongly recommend this movie even tho it’s a different movie it’s still a wonderful movie that deserves better reviews.