First things first, if you’re going to invest that much into a bus, please invest into a camera that doesn’t look like it was shot with a common smart phone.
I felt lost in watching this film. Literally. “Where are you?” The map couldn’t show me clearly. Because the way the location was written would be in white and the background would be light yellow. I would have to guess. And only towards the end would they write on the bottom left of the screen what place they were in. A travel show should be clear and concise when it comes to telling us where they are traveling to.
Common sense
I felt like the dog was in a high risk situation. “Send him back to Germany by plane if you want to continue your trip!” Was a reoccurring thought during the scenes with the dog. This happiness expedition brought on a lot of anxiety because of this situation and had veered away from the “happiness” aspect of the story. (He mentions happiness twice in the movie)
The trip
The beginning was so cool and exciting. Building the bus. They somewhat had a plan. So cool. Then the story was filed with amazing shots...ok so tell me about the places you’re visiting? Why do I feel like I am watching someones private home video? No substance. This part is so disappointing because you have all the right pieces, why miss it?
This movie could have been shortened to 40 min long because it morphed into a story about the dog’s health and long shots of mountains.
They swung but missed. Felt like a really long vlog. Misleading title.
1 of 10.