I think Amu over reacted. She was unable to find an answer to her problem. She could have expressed her thoughts to her husband and asked for a public apology before taking drastic action of divorce. She identified that she made a mistake by letting her husband believe that she was always there in full support. At the end of the day what is love to work together. Let’s pretend for a second he was ill and he needed help in seeing thins clearly. She could have showed him the right way. She could have said that she needed a public apology and whatever else to recover from this shock. Working together should be the goal of life. It’s not about our ego that we rattle the whole family or rather families. Everyone should express themselves clearly to whoever they are with and let their partners or associate know what would they need to recover or be happy. This helps in moving forward the relationships. If after asking for what you need does not get you what you need then go for plan B.