The gameplay is exactly the same. The graphics are exactly the same. There is still no halftime show, weekly recap, etc. What will it take for EA to make improvements on the overall presentation?
I give it 1 star because the game is exactly the same. I did all of the tutorials before playing a game in case I needed to learn something. There is nothing new. At least back in the day for any major sports game you not only bought it for updated rosters ( I am 41 so back in the day for me is the 90's) but because the graphics would change/improve and the gameplay would feel at least slightly different. I literally paid $60 for the same exact controls, engine, etc.
To be fair, one thing I did notice is QB's actually move to avoid you now. It is not so simple to just tackle the QB if you make it to him. I like that. I like when the gameplay reacts to situations. There are still way too many animations involved in tackling and plays. I know it gets old to hear, but I miss the natural feel of 2K5 and how each play was unique.
Unless you want to have a new game for the sake of having a new game, this is quite disappointing and you should save your money. I love video game football and can't wait for the day we have a really good game once again.