Gregory Horror Show is a show I highly recommend, whether or not you like anime. Unlike traditional anime, the series is animated in CGI, which has become its own category called 3DCG anime. Another odd design choice is how the first two seasons (The Nightmare Begins/The Guest From Hell) are shot in a first person point of view, allowing you to be more immersed in the story, which is actually genius. GHS revolves around the guest finding a strange hotel in the middle of the woods, called Gregory House. The hotel is operated by the titular Gregory, an anthropomorphic mouse, who is known for his signature "heh heh heh" that will make you uneasy without fail. The guest is shown to their room, and throughout their stay, begin to encounter the other guests and employees of the hotel. Some well known characters include:
Hell's Chef: The hotel's candlestick cook, who hates criticism and cigarettes.
Catherine: A pink lizard nurse who likes drawing a bit too much blood from her patients.
Judgement Boy: A robot who asks the guest difficult questions and judges the truthfulness of their answer.
Lost Doll: A girl who has lost her doll, or so she thinks.
Neko Zombie: A zombie cat with a troubled past, and implications that Gregory did some of it to him.
The guest begins to realize that he may be trapped inside the hotel forever, and tries to escape, but doesn't know who he can trust to help him. I don't want to spoil too much of the story, since you really need to watch it for yourself first, but there are a lot of unexpected twists and turns. Each season is a mostly self contained story, but all of them are enjoyable. If you have time, Gregory Horror Show is one series you can't not love once you start watching. And from the infamous words of Clock Master: TIME IS MONEEEEY!