The acting in this movie is like nothing i have ever seen before. The intimacy of the emotions and rawness is so real, you sometimes forget that you are watching a movie with actors. Honestly, it was so impactful not only due to the content and subject story line, but mainly due to the portrayal through the actors. The magic that happens between these 4 actors during the whole time the movie was shot in this one room is just capturing. I cried with these actors multiple timea throughout the movie during these intense moments. I am not an actor/actress, so i never understood how actors can become so encompassed in their roles in order to be so believable on screen, especially like crying on cue. It always awed me how one can do that. This movie captures scenes that to me didnt have actors but the real persons going through these heartbreaking moments in their lives and Anne Dowd is now my new most favorite actor. I know her from all the recent popular shows and movies she's been doing and, to be quite honest, all her roles lately...especially The Handmaid's Tale, annoyed me. However, after today, after watching this movie, her acting has truly moved me to the core. The most talented actress of my time, in my eyes. She is truly unbelievable and i give her so much credit for this role that i actually took the time out to seek somewhere where i can tell, well shout out, to the world how UNBELIEVABLE she is in this amazing moving movie. Watch it! You wont be disappointed