You know what, consider me suprised! I found Sing 2 to be not just an improvement over its predecessor, but a good show overall! Of course with anything Illumination, it has its share of problems. The first half of the movie was a little scattershot, the cast definitely got to the city pretty early, some characters were annoying for a chunk of the film (but I will come back to it positively), and while there were no flatulence jokes, not everything made me laugh.
But you know what, once the second half kicks in, the writing, characters, and stunning effects get their chance in the spotlight! Every character goes through their own plot joles that are beautifully wrapped up by film's end, the few characters that were annoying in the first half were given a redeemable redemption, the characters in general feel a lot more alive than the first one, especially with some good (and some literal) lives on the line. Speaking of which, the villian, oh my God was he a great threat here. I didn't expect him to change the 2nd half into how great it was, but he really put some zazz in the show, and, the moment you've waited for: THE FANTASTIC FINAL ACT! They really pushed the way this type of singing movie can play out! Everything, the effects, the songs, the tone, it was great! The songs were pretty good and fit each scene well! The ending, well a little fast, was satisfying! Overall, if you liked the first movie, and like animal movies in general, this should be a good way to kill some time!
Final score: 7.5/10