Imagine that you are dehydrated after journeying through a vast desert. You come upon a single oasis of glistening waters—what you have been searching and waiting for this entire time. When you scoop the water into your mouth, you realize it’s actually just sand. You’re still in the desert.
That is how this movie made me feel. I loved Unbreakable and Split. I thought they were masterpieces and that the casts were utilized sufficiently. In this movie, the characters from the prior movies are in it, but not really in it if that makes sense. It’s like they took the characters’ husks and put them in a movie with a convoluted plot where they all meet (Glass, Dunn, and Kevin).
I will cut to the chase—the movie attempts to have a big plot twist at the end. But I was so angry at the ending that by the time the plot twist was revealed, I didn’t even care anymore. The movie has generic scenes, subpar dialogue, and I am still reeling at how bad the movie was considering the prior installments. Truth be told, there was really only one thing that fans were dying to see in this movie, and it didn’t deliver in the slightest.
2/10. Still feels too good. But a 1/10 puts in on par with Copper Mountain and I just can’t bring it *that* low. If you want to be emotionally traumatized by a bad movie and how it can ruin everything good it built upon, this movie is for you.