I really liked the first season. I give it four stars. It had several lough out loud moments, and I really enjoyed it. I mean I didn't enjoy it as much as say the walking dead, breaking bad, or game of thrones. Its a fun show, not a masterpiece here. I find rediculous that some people put this in the same league with far better show. But for what it is, it is good. I actually really liked zabka and think the show is worth watching for his acting. I thought the 2nd season was a huge step down. It was not nearly as funny, though it did have some funny moments. I thought some of the humor did fall flat, and it escalated teenage melodrama that is poorly written. I will dock it a point because the second season was a step down. The fighting both in the mall, and in the woods was far cheesier than the choreography at the competition from the end of the last season. I hope the third season is better. More exploring zabka's character and less teenage cw melodrama.