Although "Ghoulies" (1985) is a cult classic, its not really what you would expect. Before seeing this movie, I thought it was gonna be awesome. The poster has a goblin creature thing coming out of a toilet, and I thought "This movie looks awesome! Its probably gonna have gore and some good old practical effects. Its gonna be the R rated version of Gremlins!" But when I actually watched it, I thought "What the hell did I just watch?" The movie looks like its gonna be about little creatures (Ghoulies) running around causing mischief and killing people, but its actually the story of a man becoming devoted to black magic. The film mostly focuses on black magic and the Ghoulies just stand around and do nothing for most of the film. During a house party the guy performs a satanic ritual for fun,(who in their right mind would perform a satanic ritual for "fun"?) and nothing happens, a Ghoulie pops up for a second, but then we don't see it do anything. Its not until the guy starts becoming devoted to reading books on black magic and performing voodoo rituals when we actually get to see the Ghoulies, and even then they just stand around and don't do anything. The Ghoulies do start killing people during the house party, but there's little use of fake blood and most of the kills just happen off screen. The effects are really cheap looking, the Ghoulies look cool but have little movement, probably due to the puppets not having pose ability. when they jump on someone to bite them it looks like the actor is just holding the puppet on their neck and pretend its biting them. I don't know how this movie has a 5.5 million dollar budget, considering how bad the effects look. Remember this movie is a cult classic, and a lot of 80's horror movies that have become cult classics have bad effects, so you can't expect much out of this one. The thing is, I don't really know what my opinion is on this movie. I found a lot of the movie boring, but some parts I found entertaining because the effects looked so bad they were funny. I think this movie is so bad it's good, it was boring, but a lot of parts where funny due to bad acting and bad effects. If you like cheesy horror movies, then you might like this, but you might as well just watch the trailer because all the good parts are in it. The sequel is more of what you would expect out of a Gremlins rip off. So just skip this one and watch Ghoulies 2 instead. 4.4/10