It's great but nothing like New Vegas which its often compared to,I think it's more akin with Bioshock but has the sometimes annoying intensity of Fallout 4 in its full on combat style. There are references from New Vegas such as the massively distorted mantis creatures which are now gigantic and every experience with them can be near death and the cryogenic freezing theme which is the starting point of Fallout 4.I found the relationship aspect lacking and it was irritating watching a relationship that you end up helping develop between a character you've come to like to be honest on your ship.If you want to play through again you can't do another profile character as in Fallout it has to be taken from an earlier save which confuses matters in the timeline.Definately a favourite among recent purchases and worthy of another play through certainly with some engaging characters,many stalwart themes in the Obsidian/Bethseda series like factions etc.