Catcher in the Rye is one of the greatest work in the world of American fiction. This novel is the psychological study of the mind of the main protagonist Holden caulfield. I was genuinely so fascinated by the reading of this novel that i could not stop myself writing review of this novel. One can easily identify itself with the protagonist of this novel. If you take a closer study of the character of the novel then you can, in the beginning, understands the psychic situation of Holden's mind. By the end of this novel, he becomes completely depressed and thinks of alienating himself from this society. But his alienation from this society can be seen as an urge towards getting liberation from the corrupted, repetitive and a gloomy society. He wants to be free and be a catcher, he wants to free his mind and do what he actually interests, in the fields of Rye. He describes everyone in the novel as a phony, it is not because everyone was a liar or he hated everyone but because he hated their lives which was not liberated and they were living a fake and repetitive life which was full of lies. He was really closed to his little sister phoebe because she was really smart in her age. she had vast imagination. she could think beyond this society and this is what he really liked about her. I had fallen in love with Holden because he was the only one i could identify with.