I actually really liked this game. I got it free with my purchase of a new switch and at first i wasn't too excited about it but once i started playing it was hard to stop. The game mechanics are incredibly interesting and the game play is alot of fun with the battle sequences and puzzles that go alongwide as you play.
The only reason i rated it as i did is because of how ridiculously redundant it gets. I liked that they gave you a skill set and have you collect/ unlock special abilities and i also liked how they placed puzzles that you can't yet solve until you develop your puzzle solving skills. What i HATE is how I'm only on the 2nd world and I'm already getting tired of the gameplay. Sometimes the game will introduce an interesting new element that brings some variety to the gameplay but after fighting about 10 of these battle sequences in 1 level you begin to get tired of it. It's the same thing over and over and over again i must have already done 70 of these battles now and like i said, lm only on the 2nd world. Sometimes you'll leave a battle only to walk 5 steps and reach another battle gate to do the same thing all over again.
There are far too many battle arenas and it takes up probabaly about 95% of the game. The puzzles are few and far between and the majority of the ones you come across are those ones that you don't have access to yet and you have to continue playing the game and THEN go BACK to that section of the game and solve the puzzle. It would have been interesting to place a few in each level for the completionists to have something to do but when a player is finally relieved of having to fight 10 thousand redundant battles and comes across a fun puzzle only to find that they have no way of solving it is almost a slap to the face