Movie is very awesome, acting excellent,story line is outstanding, 1000 times better than Sharuk and Salman movies. Netflix really made good movie.
This series is full of fear. Even as Hindu person I also feel fear of other people's.
Only Muslim writer can write this type of series because they are actual extremist.
We are not, they have fear about threat to there extermition.
As a hindu person I know we have many loop hole in our society. But We are the evidence as a time passed we changed.
I don't know why writer not show Hindu as a world leadership material.
Many homicides are not done by Hindu politics. But by Muslim politics and Dynsties.
We are protectors from many decates that's why Muslim live free and full of power in India only.
If Muslim not kill any one they try to kill themself. Shiyya kills Sunni, Sunni Muslim kills Shiyyas.
This there teachings not ours.
Flim show India become polluted, scarcity of water and other resources.
My question is easy for writer. Please survey Muslim area and Hindu areas they not even see single tree in Muslim areas. But on other hand Hindu people worship the trees. I know me burnt tree in festival like holy. But We have very huge possibility to change , but Muslim society have very less chance to adjust.
May Muslims are killed in Muslims country not in Cristian or Hindu country. They are by default extremist.
If we(Hindu) not stop terrorism of Muslim society they will kill us. As Histoy is evidence of such incidence.
Jai Arya Samaaj.