I loved the action, the actors, and the dialogue - for the most part. But the movie was disappointing, mainly...because...the...bad....guy...won! WTH? For some reason, the conflict in the film was resolved in favor of the villain Carmichael (who engineered the whole "kill Six" plotline to retrieve the thumb drive full of incriminating evidence from the Asset). Over the course of the movie, the writers elided the conflict in favor of one of its complications - the kidnapping of Six's old COS' niece. At the end, the complication is resolved favorably, but the conflict goes in favor of Carmichael. The writers seem to be implying that because Lloyd lost, then Six (the hero) won! But Lloyd worked for Carmichael - who got what HE wanted in the end! This resolution is ultra-anticlimactic and negated the whole purpose of the plot, which was supposed to be about Six 'giving them hell" with the evidence/info that he got from Four! That was the set-up in the exposition, but in the end, the resolution is about rescuing the girl!. Huh? This is just poor writing in my opinion and no stellar cast could mend such a massive plot rift!