I’ve been playing this game for two weeks and have over a hundred hours played on it and I must say I love it. I haven’t been gaming much in the past 6 months as nothing as really caught my eye. I used to love the old battlefield games and even the old cods but in recent memory those games have been so rinse repeat Boring. Hell let loose implements teamwork as an essential part of the game so that you must communicate with your teammates to win matches. It’s wonderful imperative and fantastic experience when it works. The game does have some buggs which can be really annoying. But when you get in those epic matches on foy or Utah beach you have some of the best FPS moments in gaming you’ll ever experience which I highly appreciate and cherish. It’s a great game nothing like it in console and I recommend it to anybody looking to try out a new FPS experience on console if you have not yet. Great game I love it.