Just the perfect concoction of screwy comedy and happy romance ever seen on screen. I've watched this so many times and enjoy it more and more with every viewing. William Powell and Carole Lombard are so perfect together here, it's a pity their marriage didn't work although in hindsight it's lucky they parted on good terms or else we never would've seen them on screen together here. The list of characters in this film is a short one, but each one is played to a depth of comedic richness by the actors, who have such a wonderful on-screen chemistry. I especially love the mother Angelica (played by Alice Brady), whose observations on family planning and a bride's emotions leave me cracking up every time. The music and the sprawling sets are beautiful to watch, as are the gorgeous dresses the women wear. This will always remain standing love letter to the beauty and charm of black and white, which is infinitely better than the color version. How sad that contemporary comedies are made for people with short attention spans and who crave instant gratification.
(Reviewed by a man born 55 years after this movie was made.)