Well is time to get away from this game. A tips for anyone whom is going to play. This isn't a game very friendly to new player. You either spend half year or pay as much as you can to be stronger. Trust me you wont be enjoy this game if you only planning invest no more than 500 dollar.
I've started playing 7 years ago and I keep coming back. I got permantly trade block without knowing why. I tried to create a tick and contact support specialist. (The only way is create a tick. No such calling number or email number) Gm response period is 3-6 days. I spend a whole month keep waiting and responding GM. Gm keep asking me information about the ED I got from mailbox and I keep providing information. End up with a "The team has concluded the investigation of this matter and unfortunately, we would like to inform you that the account would have to be Permanently Suspended in accordance with the policies of our game involving Illegal Trading/Transactions." I could't believe what I saw. However,is a good end up that stop me paying more and more for this game.
Good bye to Elsword and good bye to my childhood.