INTO THE NIGHT is a thriller-drama series with 6 episodes streaming on Netflix based on the novel The Old Axolotl by Jacek Dukaj. The plot focuses on how few passengers are trapped in an airplane manages to survive a cosmic apocalypse.
The story begins with an Italian soldier hijacking the plane with passengers on board, including a sick kid. Soon it is unveiled that whoever is exposed to sunlight will be dead, and the sole way to survive is to keep flying west and stay on the night side. Through a series of events, the story arouses curiosity and unexpected plot twists making the audience stay intrigued.
Speaking about the characters, Mathieu, the pilot, trying his best to be a good leader and making every possible attempt to save the lives of passengers. Sylvie, one of my favorite characters, who had lost her boyfriend recently, and has no hope to live. Keeping her private matters aside, she takes the responsibility of passengers and seeks to keep them away from the twilight. Trezenio, an Italian soldier, claims to be from NATO and the one who saved all the "lucky" passengers from dying.
Every character had his or her backstories, and with each episode, anger, frustration, jealousy, selflessness takes its place. In the end, it's all about coping up with the team and surviving in their distress state.
The film is worth watching and informational as this premise can be perchance true in the near future.