Since I'm pretty sick I spent most of my time playing Resident Evil 8: Village and honestly it's a 6ish out of 10 game for me. Not horrible, but half the game feels slightly drawn out with unnecessary battles, most of the boss fights are forgettable up until certain parts of the story and the story doesn't get too good until halfway through basically. The game is also extremely short.
The inventory is much nicer than the older games; they give you more room to work with on top of upgrades. The amount of ammo seems to be better in some cases, however this game has a tendency to put you within a decent amount of unnecessary gunfights with hordes so it can get frustrating and annoying. Some of the visuals are great but the game gets very hard to see in some parts even after tweaking brightness settings without it giving the game the greyish effect from turning it up too much. It's not as linear as Resident Evil 7 but occasionally you run into areas that make you literally go in circles trying to figure out what to do. I like that they added an upgrade/buying system but in a way it feels slightly out of place even though it's helpful. To me it kind of takes away from the survival aspect that 7 had.
Most of the villains/bosses are forgettable along with the fights. They also weren't too challenging for the most part. Furthermore, playing through to get to certain bosses through the first half of the game you're left with puzzles you constantly have to solve to even get to them, and to me it felt really tedious, and also the few villains they have used to market the game really don't have much of an appearance which also kind of bummed me out. I don't know why they took that approach.
I guess to close this review, if you were expecting this game to be anything similar to RE: 7 then this one probably isn't for you. I had an expectation that it was going to capture the horror element that 7 brought to the table, but it just isn't the case. The game honestly feels like a slight Resident Evil 4 and 5 hybrid with a very, very small touch of horror mid game that is slightly reminiscent of Resident Evil 7, and you would think it being similar to those 2 games it would make it amazing, but I can't get myself to allow that kind of opinion when it just didn't hit that way for me. I had a high expectation and maybe that's mostly why I can't appreciate all of the game, but I dunno. Play it if you want to or plan to and let me know what your opinion is because I was hoping it would be much better and for a 60 dollar game I expected slightly longer play time at the least.