Watched Madhagaja just few hours ago. I must say actor @Sriimurali surely lacks the ability to select scripts. Most importantly he has to come out of the Ugramm image ASAP. Dir Mahesh says he planned a different story, later it was changed by Sriimurali and Prashath Neel.
Jagapathi Babu shines even though he has low scope. Too much bloodshed , age old routine story presented. Ashika Ranganath sometimes starts speaking blore kannada. Garuda Ram us same. Pathetic 2nd half. Movie heavily inspired from Mirchi Sulthan. Bgm was KGF Ugramm photo copy. Atleast Mahesh should have tried his story than taking Neels suggestion. Please do better movies next time. This story would have been apt in 1980 or 1990
Ending note do watch this movie if you are fan of Murali or want to waste your time.