First of All let me start by saying this show is a complete insult to Thomas and what he used to be. I mean all the unnecessary bouncing, stretching, engines jumping flying using wheels as hands, extension wheels i mean seriously MATTEL? Thomas and his friends are trains!!! The storyline having Thomas as the star of every episode is like ok Thomas is my favorite character but it’s Thomas AND HIS FRIENDS so this really doe snot fit the series. The parent kid format this show brings doe snot fit this show as never has once ever since this was never the format and making Thomas and his friends narrow engines makes it no better. The rolling stock such as Annie and Clarabel moving own etc. i mean the logic in this show is embarrassing and cringing. I have no idea what Mattel was thinking but this series completely destroyed one the best Childhood shows i ever had. You all turned Thomas into some childish ripoff cringe cartoonishly style version of Chuggington and it’s very insulting and not funny to the Thomas Fan Base. We will never forget. I seriously recommend you cancel this series and Make Thomas who we know he is and not this garbage trash y’all released.