Going to tell you the truth please don’t waste your money on this game it is not worth it keep your money and buy something else. Call of duty Cold War should start by reimbursing everyone’s money because truthfully this is probably the worst game they have ever made. They increased the health on enemy players from 100 to 150 so now it takes so many bullets to kill one person rocket launchers have pretty much no affect either all the guns on multiplayer absolutely suck. If you have truthfully really want to kill somebody in this game you have to use a sniper rifle and shotgun‘s have literally no range and you can be up close to someone and get a hit marker take it from me do not buy this game. The only thing worth playing on this game that I can tolerate is zombies and campaign. Even zombies by around 10 the guns have absolutely no Affect on zombies even if you pack a punch them they still don’t have that much of fact. I really hope they make another game like modern warfare were enemy players don’t have so much health. Also if you think this game is going to be kind of like the original black ops you’re mistaken it’s nothing like the original black ops.