Having now finished watching the first series I decided to comment.
Firstly the CGI/ special effects are well done, especially for TV, Netflix's must have spent a fortune, shame they didn't do the same with the script writing or actors.
Every episode has a catastrophe, just as they're getting on their feet,or to complete a task, something happens, it's become a bet between our family to guess what or when something will go wrong, then the rest of the show is about rectifying the calamity!
The only two episodes with Alien life weren't optioned enough, there could have been loads of species on the planet, but no, we'll just have personal conflict and accidents! It becomes monotonous, I just switch off or skip the total garbage each episode has been packed with, stupid boring conversations, Dr Smith seems to get by even though she has NO training what so ever!! She's the worst character in the whole series and to boost rating been killed off gruesomely, especially by one of her acts biting back, anyway I know Smith was 100% part of the original series, but this woman hadn't been written into the series correctly, she's too twisted and nasty, she would have been let go ages ago, hence I suffer just watch the expensive CGI etc, it's Film worthy, well done Netflix, just next time remember, the script and the actors, invest in better! I did enjoy watching something I'd never seen for once, but I will never watch again, not like the Sopranos, Ozark Ray Donovan to name just three I can watch over and over. Give L.I.S. a go, just do expect it to get better, as apparently it DOESN'T!!!