I love Trust me I am a Doctor. Tonight I have something to add. I was a registered midwife for 30 years and have a lot of advice for young mothers about babies that cry especially at night. While I accept control crying there are other reasons a baby cries. Animals would never tolerate their offspring being in another paddock, so never leave your baby in another room. Put your baby from day one in a crib next to your bed, then go to bed next to the babe. Leave any work undone. If they stir or cry pat them, usually they go back to sleep. If hungry feed them, breast is best, then bring up the wind. The babe will gain confidence that they are not alone. Wrap babe well. They have been in a confined warm space for 9 months. They feel secure in a cosy firm blanket. They can cry from feeling insecure. During the day, nurse in a upright baby sling so they can hear your heart beat and your walking movement will also bring up any wind. Other more primitive cultures don’t have the problems with their babies as our western mothers endure.