I have watched GH since 1974. I have never been more disappointed with this show then this past year.
#1 You have let 2 wonderful actors that have been a part this show for decades go.
they are 2 actors that also made your ratings for years. All because they did not agree to put something into their bodies that all people should have a choice too.
#2 Also, the writers are terrible do you even keep track of your history of GH. Because the way these writers are writing I don’t think they even know the history of the characters.
# 3 you keep letting a actress crazy Nancy Lee, keep getting away with her nonsense nonstop. At my job I would have been fired for announcing that a person was let go from their job before the company did. Also, I have been blocked from her account because she did not agree with something I said. That women can’t even handle a debate. I was blocked because it was when she was calling to cancel IN N Out burger all because she Did not like that they donated to not only democrats but republicans as well. So she would have liked to seen thousands of young people lose their jobs because of it. After that I started fast forward her screens.
# 4 Also, why is it ok for Nancy, to post a transphobic tweet calling a women A DICK N A DRESS!
However, Ingo, posted a meme calling a man dressed as a woman a dude. Oh my god Nancy went crazy. What is the difference? Can you say that she is a Major Hypocrite!
I don’t believe in culture canceling but when it comes to what the network and Frank, has done to this wonderful show. I am actually done. I won’t be back until Steve, and Ingo are back into their roles and crazy Nancy, is gone from hers.
Thank you
Peggy Vanderlip
P.s I was using my sons account