Really surprised by the 98% critic score on rotten tomatoes. I watched it mostly based on the back of those reviews, but they now feel totally disingenuous. There is little to propel this movie above an average rating.
It's based on the lead actor's real life romance so didn't take much writing. There were no genuine laughs here for me. It just really wasn't that funny. All fairly bland. Some heartfelt moments but it barely rises above the average cliche ridden rom-com standard. There may have been a good movie in there somewhere but those involved really didn't find the right formula.
Comparing the cultural angst with something like 'East is East' - it really doesn't stand up to scrutiny. The aforementioned movie is a good barometer for this one on certain issues and it just doesn't measure up. Not funny and not as deep as it hopes to be. What we're left with is a romance based on a real life love and I hope for those involved that that love has more depth than the one portrayed on screen here.
The critics need to get their heads out of their rectums on this one and appraise honestly - I actually think my negative rating reflects more on those inflated expectations rather than the film being genuinely awful. It's not's just bang average