I have been watching this show since the beginning and I don't see where anything has changed in the jail. They tell you how drugs are coming in and they are still coming in the same way. When a person is arrested they are not being searched good enough and are pulling drugs out of their body cavities inside the cell. Then you have guard's bringing things in. The guard's are so busy doing what they want to do that they aren't even paying attention to the prisoners and fights are really bad by the time someone shows up. The girl who beat up Ciara was threatening her way before she hit her and then they take Ciara away for protecting herself. I think there needs to be much better training of the staff and the ones who don't want to comply, get rid of them. With what is spent on prisoners you would think they would be able to have better clothes, food, and rehabilitation programs. They aren't learning anything by watching TV or sleeping all day. I think we need to invest more money into rehab facilities instead of putting drug addicts in jail. Try to teach them how to have a better life. I went to rehab one time 26 years ago and learned how to live without cocaine. I know it takes a lot of money and time to straighten out the system and someone needs to start somewhere. God bless all of you who work in law enforcement.