The very FEW positive comments that I have seen are praising Maddie for her portrayal and comparing her take on this type of role to epic classics such as Rainman, Forest Gump etc. The very big difference between Maddies portrayal from the others is every single other actor literally studied, lived WITH several people on the autism spectrum. Where as Maddie watched films such as Whats Eating Gilbert Grape and youtube videos to prepare. I'm no actor by any means and yet I feel this is in no way how one should prepare for a role such as this. The whole three positive comments that I did see were probably written by SIA herself to " protect" Maddie. SIA even stated in an interview, on the first day of filming, Maddie was visibly upset and was crying saying she was so afraid that she wouldn't get it right and afraid she would upset many people. Unfortunately that is what happened. But the thing I love most is nobody that I have seen is upset in any way with Maddie, they are beyond pissed off with SIA because of her nonchalant, ableist attitude regarding the entire project.
This film is absolute trash. I along with literally millions of other people have nothing positive to say about the project. And what is so sad is instead of taking the criticism in stride and apologizing to the multiple groups of people that she upset from directing this racist, stereotypical, ableist trash. She instead feels it's better to literally bully autistic people via Twitter along with other people, and then because she refused to back down from her point of view, like a child she deleted her Twitter accounts when she could no longer take the heat. I know if I received the amount of backlash that she received, regardless of the amount of money used to film this dumpster fire, I would have canceled the release entirely or atleast tried to reboot the entire project, instead of trying to feed her over inflated ego. In closing, I have formed my opinion withput actually seeing the film. I literally only watched the trailer and cried get enough. I refuse to pay for this film, instead I took the money and a little extra and donated to recommended charities (NOT Autism Speaks)
In closing I feel so sorry for Maddie, she not only got away from an abusive and toxic relationship with Abby from Dance Moms and unfortunately fell into another with SIA. The hold that SIA has with Maddie is beyond creepy. Since Maddie was 12 she has held sleepovers in which she made Maddie sleep in the same bed as her, she made Maddie quarantined with her multiple times throughput COVId, it's simply put a toxic, predatory relationship that needs to be stopped. People don't think twice about it because SIA is a middle aged white woman with no children. But its exactly that. If a middle aged white man were to have a relationship such as theirs with a boy of the same age, there would be calls for him to be put in prison. SIA is grooming Maddie. Plain and simple. She even went as far as stopping Maddie from accepting another acting GIG because SHE felt it would damage her career, when in reality SIA hurt Maddie by doing what SIA wanted her to do. Someone, please step in and help this poor girl. Because the mother clearly isnt.