I hope someone from the NewsHour reads this comment. I would like to offer a suggestion to the debate format, so a non-stop 'dog-fight' atmosphere is eliminated and the American citizens can make sense out of the debate, rather than feeling like they are watching a 'reality show'. A) Set up a Plexiglas window between each person on the stage. This will provide 'insulation' from the other candidate's rude and unscheduled comments. B) Let the mediator MUTE the podium microphone of the candidate that is NOT in turn to speak or comment. (Only the candidate who 'has the floor' will be allowed to speak and be heard). C) Each podium will have a stage speaker so they can hear what the other person is saying, but CANNOT interrupt or comment on the response to the question of the mediator until AFTER the mediator turns their microphone back on. D) The debate can then flow without childish interruptions from their opponent, and the questions offered by the mediator will be able to follow a schedule that is non-intrusive. I believe this simple solution will be GREATLY appreciated by all the listeners and will create a more 'civilized' debate environment for these candidates that are supposed to be the leaders of our country.